Developing the Young Workforce

WOW!! We are on a roll!!

Following hot on the heels of our Highland Business Award for Best Family Business we were really proud to be presented with a North Highland Business Award at the recent Caithness Chamber of Commerce AGM.

We were awarded a Highly Commended for our work with Developing the Young Workforce scheme.

We have always been involved with working with the young and upcoming workforce of the county through apprenticeships, mentoring, mock interviews and even recently career speed dating so we are super chuffed to have this acknowledged.

Wullie has gone to put his lottery ticket on just in case it comes in 3s!! lol

Find Us/Contact

Mavsey, Lybster, Caithness, KW3 6AS

Telephone: +44 (0)1593 721585
Fax: +44 (0)1593 721403